How Foot Doctors Collaborate with Other Medical Professionals

Health conditions like diabetes and arthritis can cause problems like swelling, pain, and sores in the lower extremities. This might lead a patient to see a foot doctor (or podiatrist). Symptoms in the feet and legs can give doctors insight into a patient’s overall condition, which may require them to work with other doctors. At Horizon Foot and Ankle Institute, we can work with other providers to offer a combination of treatments that benefit the patient’s whole health. Below are some of the conditions that would encourage a podiatrist to work with other doctors:

foot doctors and medical professionals


Diabetic patients experience symptoms that can contribute to changes in the lower legs, including discoloration, swelling, infection, or ulcers. These concerns also need input from endocrinologists, general practitioners, and other physicians. A foot doctor will work with the patient’s other medical team members to make sure that treatments work together in the most effective ways possible. This may include other physicians regulating blood sugar, increasing blood flow, and overall diabetes management, while the podiatrist can treat things like ulcers and leg infections.


Arthritis can significantly affect the legs and feet. There are variations of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and many others. Each type requires specialized care and has unique symptoms, but many different types of arthritis can cause severe pain in the feet and legs, joint stiffness, and even trouble walking.

A foot doctor may be the first one with insight into diagnosing arthritis when a patient experiences pain and stiffness in the feet or legs. The patient may be referred to a podiatrist or come in independently to have the pain diagnosed. After assessing their symptoms, testing and bloodwork may be done to make a diagnosis, leading the patient to receive proper medical care. This would require our collaboration and referral to specialized physicians.

A podiatrist, like those at our Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute, will collaborate with the patient’s endocrinologist, rheumatologist, or other medical providers to help them get well-rounded medical care for their symptoms.

As with other conditions, they will combine observations and test results to determine their treatment plans. Treatment plans often include medications and physical therapy to improve arthritis symptoms.

Athletic Injury

In cases where an athlete suffers from an injury, a foot doctor may be the first step of care. Athletes can suffer from broken bones or injuries that may need additional medical care like surgery. Our team will work with other physicians through the athlete’s full treatment process. This may include orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, or physical therapists. Depending on the circumstance, we may diagnose a break and determine its severity, which may require surgery. Then, we refer the patient to an orthopedic surgeon to assess and perform the necessary treatment. We will then gather medical information from the surgeon and participate in the follow-up to evaluate the healing process.


Neuropathy occurs when damaged nerves cause tingling, numbness, pain, and weakened leg and foot muscles. It can affect diabetics as well as other individuals. We specialize in the treatment of neuropathy here at our office. When treating neuropathy, we often collaborate with physical therapists, surgeons, and other doctors. The medical team will prescribe medications and physical treatments to help patients experience symptom relief.

Finding the Right Foot Doctor

At Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute, we care about each patient’s full health and are here to treat any concerns with feet, legs, or ankles. We have extensive experience working with other treatment providers to give our patients complete care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.