3 Non-Surgical Treatment Methods a Foot Doctor Might Use

Foot doctors are qualified to treat a range of foot and ankle conditions to relieve pain and improve mobility. Surgical treatments are helpful, but they aren’t always necessary, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and their preferences. Here are some of the non-surgical treatments a foot doctor at Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute…

6 Common Signs of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, has several signs and symptoms such as persistent joint pain, stiffness, swelling, etc. At Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute, we can help determine whether osteoarthritis is causing your pain. Here are six common signs of osteoarthritis and how a foot doctor can help: 1. Persistent Joint Pain In the feet,…

What to Do If You Get a Bunion

Bunions can be a foot condition that can cause pain and swelling. They occur when the big toe bends inwards and forces the joint at the base of the toe to protrude outwards. They can be caused by genetics, inflammatory conditions, improper footwear, or other factors. You may be able to treat your bunion using…

4 Causes of Itchy Feet

Persistent itchy feet, accompanied by swelling, pain, and skin changes, might require the attention of a healthcare expert. A Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute podiatrist can diagnose the cause and recommend foot pain treatment to manage the itching. Here are four potential causes of itchy feet: 1. Fungal Infections Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis,…

What Are Prescription Orthotics and How Can They Help?

If you’ve been experiencing pain or discomfort in your feet, legs, or back, prescription orthotics may be the solution. Horizon Foot and Ankle Institute can help reduce foot pain and enhance performance by offering custom orthotics which provide cushioned support and can help by adjusting improper body mechanics related to lower limb pathologies. What Are…