Diabetes: How It Affects the Feet and How to Prevent Injury and Disease

Diabetes can affect the feet, which may lead to wounds or injuries. With diabetic foot care, patients have preventative treatment options, such as addressing diabetic foot ulcers. At Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute, we have a team ready to diagnose, treat, and help patients recover. Here’s how diabetes affects the feet and how to prevent injury and disease:

diabetes injury and disease

Foot Ulcer Causes and Symptoms

Foot ulcers are a complication of diabetes and require diabetic foot care. The condition creates an open sore that breaks down tissues, exposing layers of the skin. The ulcers may be located under the big toes or balls of the feet. If left untreated, these sores may affect every layer of tissue and the bones. Here are some causes of foot ulcers:


  • Nerve damage: Diabetes affects the nerves, reducing sensitivity and pain. Patients may be unaware of minor injuries without feeling in their feet, allowing small cuts or blisters to form.
  • Poor Circulation: Injuries on the feet will have a harder time healing with poor circulation. Reduced blood flow makes it harder for wounds to recover.
  • High Sugar: Elevated glucose levels also affect healing and compromise immunity. This makes minor injuries slower to heal and more prone to infections.


When patients make an appointment at Horizon & Foot & Ankle Institute, our team of experts will examine their feet for foot ulcers. In some cases, patients may experience numbness and be unable to recognize any pain. Make sure to have regular checkups to catch any issues early.



Treatment is offered promptly as soon as symptoms are discovered. This includes assessing the extent of injuries or ulcers and checking for nerve damage or blood flow issues. Imaging tests and other tools can be used to measure the sensation in the feet and identify any underlying bone structures that are affected. Signs like tingling, numbness, or discoloration may indicate underlying issues that require help.



Doctors develop personalized treatment plans with multiple options for treating foot ulcers. The plans depend on the extent and severity of the case and if any infections are present. Here are some of the available treatment options:


Wound Care

Proper wound care is key to promoting healing and preventing further complications. This includes cleaning the ulcer, applying dressings, and possibly removing dead tissue. Follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan, such as changing medications or adjusting the type of dressing.



Antibiotics may be needed to help reduce bacteria and inflammation. In severe cases, hospitals are an option if there is a risk of infection spreading to the bones. Some infections can layer within the deeper tissues and require stronger medications for treatment.


Pressure Relief

Reducing pressure is another key factor for ulcer treatment. Our team may recommend specialized shoes, insoles, or custom braces to elevate the affected area. This helps prevent any further damage or irritation.


Preventing Diabetic Foot Complications

Prevention techniques, including healthy daily habits and regular medical checkups, promote diabetic foot health. Patients can reduce the risk of developing ulcers or other complications by inspecting their feet daily, maintaining their blood sugar levels, and wearing proper footwear. Checking the feet for any signs of cuts or swelling will help with early detection. Identifying any irregularities enables patients to prevent minor issues from turning into complications. If an individual is unable or has difficulty seeing the soles of their feet, they can use a mirror or ask a family member for assistance.


Keeping blood sugar levels within the doctor’s recommended range supports the patient’s overall health. It also helps blood flow to the feet, which is a factor in wound healing. Choosing suitable shoes that fit well and provide support reduces the likelihood of blisters and irritation. Patients should also avoid walking barefoot to prevent accidental injuries if there is numbness or tingling. Diabetes might cause dry skin, which can crack open on the soles of the feet. Apply moisturizer to help keep skin hydrated and intact.


Diabetic Foot Care

At Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute, we recommend regular appointments and checkups to monitor foot health. Addressing any conditions like poor circulation, neuropathy, or minor foot injuries early will prevent severe problems. Symptoms such as changes in skin color, swollen feet, and slow-healing cuts should be addressed promptly. Our team will help create treatment and prevention plans to protect each patient’s feet.


Partner With Horizon Foot & Ankle Institution

With proper care for foot health, complications of diabetes can be regulated and minimized. Our Horizon Foot & Ankle Institute experts help patients manage foot issues through timely diagnosis, effective treatment, and preventative care. Whether a patient is struggling with this disease or is at the beginning of their healing journey, our doctors will make sure they have all the information they need to make an informed decision. Contact our team today to learn more about our personalized treatment plans.